What we do:


When identifying talent, Phoenix Academy looks for certain skills and characteristics in potential players:

Discipline:  must be punctual, respectful to teachers, coaches team members, opponents and match officials at all times.

Intelligence: play with their head up, read the game and scan the field to asses the right passes.

Passion: a purpose that motivates the individual and the team

Movement and support of play: always being available for team mate, on and off the ball

Creativity: imagination, skills and courage to beat players.

End product: scoring or assisting goals and defending 1v1.


Phoenix Academy players have come from various communities, this is the power of football, it brings people together regardless of the background, footballers all share the same dream.

The strategy at the Academy is to encourage each player to give back to the community they came from and to create a positive impact. This does not have to be financial, it can be volunteering or creating schemes to help others.


The Academy creates a friendly, fun and fair environment to implement its  philosophy and how players are nurtured with their studies and on the playing field, using the academy’s values: Educate, Mentor, Empower.

Educate: Teaching the players intellectually, morals and social skills

Mentor: Sharing of knowledge, skills and experience to help develop the growth of players to reach their full potential.

Empower: Giving the players the support, encouragement and the responsibility to focus in the classroom and on the football field in order for them to have the confidence to reach their set goals.

In order to achieve the academy's philosophy, different methods of communication to engage with different types of learners are often used, tactics board, poster, diagram and cones are used on the pitch. Players are asked questions and also encourage to discuss in groups among themselves to solve game related problems. Training activities are demonstrated by the coach or by a player to the team.


Personal Development is paramount to enhance a quality of life and a persons potential. At the academy we focus on Education, Integrity Discipline, Unity, Self- confidence.

Education: Statistics show that the average retirement age of a professional footballer is 36 years old, which highlights the importance of education for continuous development in everyday life.

Integrity: It is fundamental for players to take pride in being honest with every thing they do.

Discipline: ‘Hard work beats talent, when talent fails to work hard’ (Tim Notke) it is important for players to be self discipline to fulfil their full potential

Unity: Committed together as a team towards a shared goal, maximising individual strengths for the benefit of the team.

Self-confidence: is important for players to develop to enable them to accept and trust themselves by utilising their strengths and developing their weaknesses.


"It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared"- WHITNEY M. YOUNG, JR.

Phoenix Academy sends it scouts to different locations In Africa to Identify and recruit players, the academy also organises two trial days a year in a set location for teenagers to attend and show their academic and football potential to the coaching team before they are enrolled into the academy.

The management team work closely with colleges from Europe and the United State, professional clubs and scouts. The colleges can award full athlete scholarships to talented individual and Professional clubs can sign or invite players for a trial period.