Our plan is to develop our academy players who will undergo our Talent Development Program. We create an environment for all talented athletes at our academy to develop physically, skilfully and as a person. We provide training, accommodation, travel and other essentials to make sure our athletes development consistently remains at the highest level.
We also encourage our athletes to achieve some level of education and help them in their educational needs. Our development is not limited to sporting development but also educational development. We have partnered with several universities in the United States and United Kingdom where we send our athletes to pursue sporting and educational ambitions.
This gives them a win-win situation as should they not achieve a professional status in their chosen sport, they have their educational achievements (college degrees) to fall back to give them a better future.
For more information contact:
Seth Twumasi, Phoenix Academy Head Office, London, U.K
+ 44 7780214975,
Maxwell Ofori Twumasi, Phoenix Academy Regional Office, Kasoa +233 2478 13035